jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Task 1 - The use of ICT in ESO

This is a summary of the legal framework of the integration of ICT in ESO:

La utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza es un instrumento de gran valía tanto para alumnos como para profesores. Es por ello que el artículo 11 del Real Decreto 1105/2014, de 26 de diciembre, resalta como uno de los objetivos principales de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria la importancia de la utilización de las TIC: “Desarrollar destrezas básicas en la utilización de las fuentes de información para, con sentido crítico, adquirir nuevos conocimientos. Adquirir una preparación básica en el campo de las tecnologías, especialmente las de la información y la comunicación”.

Resulta necesario enseñar a los alumnos de ESO a utilizar, con solvencia y responsabilidad, las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, puesto que “el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación como herramienta para obtener datos, elaborar la información, analizar resultados y exponer conclusiones se hace casi imprescindible en la actualidad”. Además, “la posibilidad de acceder a una gran cantidad de información implica la necesidad de clasificarla según criterios de relevancia, lo que permite desarrollar el espíritu crítico de los alumnos”.

“Los alumnos de ESO (...) son nativos digitales y, en consecuencia, están familiarizados con la presentación y transferencia digital de información”, por ello es necesario integrar las TIC en cada una de las asignaturas presentes en las etapas de ESO y Bachiller. Con este motivo se establece en el documento el posible uso que se puede hacer de las TIC en cada materia.

Dada la importancia y el enorme beneficio de las TIC en la enseñanza, se ha creado una asignatura llamada Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, que se imparte con diferente nivel en 4º ESO y 1º y 2º de Bachiller. Tal vez esta asignatura sea una de las más útiles dada la evolución tecnológica de la sociedad actual, puesto que, como se puede extraer de la contextualización de esta asignatura, “en la actualidad vivimos una revolución permanente fácilmente observable: manejamos información y aparatos tecnológicos que hace unos pocos años no éramos capaces de imaginar. La forma en la que vivimos y trabajamos ha cambiado profundamente y han surgido un conjunto de nuevas capacidades y habilidades necesarias para desarrollarse e integrarse en la vida adulta, en una sociedad hiperconectada y en un constante y creciente cambio. Los alumnos y alumnas deben estar preparados para adaptarse a un nuevo mapa de sociedad en transformación”.

Es por ello que “desarrollar la competencia digital en el sistema educativo requiere una correcta integración del uso de las TIC en las aulas y que los docentes tengan la formación necesaria en esa competencia. Es probablemente este último factor el más importante para el desarrollo de una cultura digital en el aula y la sintonía del sistema educativo con la nueva “sociedad red”. En este sentido, la Unión Europea lleva varios años trabajando en el DIGCOMP: Marco para el desarrollo y comprensión de la competencia digital en Europa”.

Las TIC están en continua evolución, motivo por el cual esta materia pretende dotar al alumnado “de los conocimientos, destrezas y aptitudes para facilitar un aprendizaje permanente a lo largo de la vida, de forma que el alumnado pueda adaptarse con versatilidad a las demandas que surjan en el campo de las TIC”. Además, “es imprescindible educar en el uso de herramientas que faciliten la interacción de los jóvenes con su entorno, así como en los límites éticos y legales que implica su uso. Por otro lado, el alumnado ha de ser capaz de integrar y vincular estos aprendizajes con otros del resto de materias, dando coherencia y potenciando el dominio de los mismos”. 

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Task 2 - Worksheets for A2 level students

These worksheets are aimed at A2 level students. With them students can learn how to use expressions of quantity and food vocabulary.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Task 4 - Creation of an image based speaking activity using VoiceThread

The aim of this activity, aimed at A2 level students, is to practice the simple past tense. They have to imagine and describe their stay in London based on the images and the voice provided.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Task 5 - A book about dinosaurs

The purpose of this activity, aimed at A2 level students, is not only to know a little bit more about dinosaurs, but also to introdude the past simple tense, as well as to learn some new time expressions.


sábado, 16 de mayo de 2015

Task 6 - Creation of a video with Animoto

This video, aimed for A1 level students, is about means of transport. This is a funny way to introduce the prepositions associated to the different means of transport.


viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Task 7 - Adaptation of learning materials

The purpose of this task is to learn how to adap materials extracted from the Internet, so that I can make them suitable for the classes I may have.

The exercises chosen are aimed at B1 level students. They offer the possibility to practice the listening skill, as well as to learn some new vocabulary about ingredients and verbs about food and recipes. Most of the verbs in the text are in the past simple, so students can also practice this tense.

A) Listen to the following audio.


B)   Fill in the gaps.


Gordon was hungry. He opened the refrigerator. __________  must be something in here to eat, __________  thought. There was—a single hot dog.

He __________  it out of its package and put __________  small frying pan onto the stove’s gas __________  . He turned on the heat. Then he __________  a little bit of vegetable oil into __________  pan. He sliced the hot dog in __________  lengthwise. When the oil got hot, he __________  the two halves in the pan. About __________  minute later, he flipped each half over. __________  another minute, he took the hot dog __________  of the pan.

Gordon put two slices __________  bread into the toaster. This was tasty __________  healthy bread. The first ingredient listed was __________  sprouted wheat. The first ingredient in ordinary __________  is usually unbleached flour.

When the toast __________  up, he put mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup __________  one slice. Then he added two slices __________  onion. On top of the onions, he __________  the hot dog. On top of the __________  dog, he put a couple of slices __________  apple. Then he added some bits of __________  green chile, and then put the top __________  of toast onto the chile bits.

Ahh, __________  a sandwich, he thought, as he sat __________  to eat.

 C)   Answer the following yes/no questions with the correct short answer. For example: Yes, he did. OR No, he didn't.

1.  Was Gordon hungry?
2.  Was there a single hot dog in the refrigerator?
3. Did he take the hot dog out of its package?
4.  Did he put a large frying pan onto the burner?
5.  Did he put a little butter into the pan?
6.  Did he slice the hot dog in half lengthwise?
7.  Did he flip each half over?
8.  Did he take the hot dog out of the pot?
9.  Did he put four slices of bread into the toaster?
10.  Was it tasty bread?

D)   Complete the crossword


Enriched, unbleached ___ is a common ingredient in bagels and many other foods.
When you try to solve a problem, make sure your solution doesn't take you from the frying ___ into the fire.
Bean ___s and alfalfa ___s are popular ingredients in salads.
If a power outage lasts more than six hours, you should throw out the perishable food in your ___.
The "Nutrition Facts" label on a ___ or container will tell you how many calories are in each serving.
Electric ___s have 2 or 4 slots for slices of bread.
Oddly enough, bleached and ___ flour have the same nutritional value.
The red and white stripes on the US flag run horizontally, or ___.
Grains grown worldwide include corn, barley, oats, rice, rye, and ___.
Your toast will ___ ___ when it's done cooking in the toaster.


If you want your egg cooked "over easy," you must ___ it gently so the yolk doesn't break.
Most electric and gas stovetops have four ___s for cooking.
Jalapeno, serrano, banana, cherry, and shishito ___s are popular additions to salads and cooked foods.
A hot dog without ___ and onions is like spaghetti without tomato sauce.
___ produce usually tastes better than ordinary produce, but it always costs much more.
___ is a popular ingredient in macaroni salad. But keep that salad on ice, or it might make you sick.
Thirsty people want something to drink; ___ people want something to eat.
___, or catsup, usually contains tomato concentrate, corn syrup, and salt; one tablespoon = 20 calories.
It goes into the toaster as bread, but it comes out as ___.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Task 8 - Creation of a Pass the paper Powerpoint

This activity is aimed at B1 level students. Its purpose is to make students practise the second conditional orally while they have fun passing the ball and listening to the song.

Pass the paper presentation

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Task 9 - Creation of a PowerPoint auto-executable

This Power Point auto-executable is aimed at B1 level students. I have chosen the topic of gender stereotypes related to food, so that students can reflect on that important issue, while learning new vocabulary.

Power Point Presentation 

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Task 10 - Creation of a video using Picassa

This video, aimed at A2 level students, is about animals in danger of extinction. I have chosen this topic because it is usually present in lots of didactic units, regardless of the English level. Its purpose is to make students aware of the negative effects of global warming, illegal hunting, pollution and deforestation.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

Task 11.1. - Hotpotatoes 1 - Cloze

These activities are developed for B1 level students. They are conceived in order to practice the past simple forms of some verbs and to practice the listening skill as well. Hotpotatoes is a useful tool because it offers the possibility to learn in a different way while having fun.


Activity 1

I'm a believer cloze

I'm a believer cloze

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
I love was only true in fairy tales
for someone else but not for me
Love out to get to me that's the way it seems
Disappointment haunted all my

And then I her face now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my
I'm in love I'm a
I leave her If I tried

I thought love was more or a given thing
The more I the less I got, oh yeah
What's the use in trying all you get is
When I sunshine I got rain

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

Task 11.2. - Hotpotatoes 2 - Quiz

Activity 2

I'm a believer quiz

I'm a believer quiz
